Red Hallway
PC Labs
10:00 am
Steam Gift Card
$10 Per Winning Team Member
All players must be present during the check in time for the tournament.
Failure to appear during the check in will result in a disqualification.
Tournament Rules
All rules below are subject to change
General Rules:
Team Signups:
Team captains must ensure they coordinate with their players and their substitute for match signups and fill out the required team registration form.
Any player not listed on the official team roster before the tournament start time is NOT allowed to compete.
Game Pauses:
Matches may only be paused for the following reasons:
Player drop
Player disconnects
Technical issues
The team requesting a pause must call for it in chat and signal the match overseer.
Players must remain in their seats during the pause and may not interact with the game.
No timeouts are allowed during the tournament.
Players must be present at their designated match time.
After 5 minutes, if more than one player is missing, the team will forfeit the match.
If only one player is missing after 5 minutes, the team must play a player down.
The late player will not take part in that match.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
Actions such as tea-bagging, excessive emotes over an opponent’s body, or any other unsportsmanlike behavior can result in penalties.
Match overseers may enforce a round forfeit or, in championship matches, a match point penalty.
Seating and Substitutions:
Players must remain in their assigned seats/computers.
Substitutes must stay with their team in their designated room.
Subs that move between match rooms will result in team disqualification.
Lobby Management:
Team captains handle inviting their team members to the lobby upon invitation from the match overseer.
Match Format
5v5 Competitive Mode
Team Composition: 1 Tank, 2 DPS, 2 Support
Match Voice Chat: Disabled
The newest perk feature from developers will be included
One substitute is allowed per team
Match Structure:
Pre-Finals Matches:
Control Game Mode: Best 2 out of 3
Map Pool (Random Selection): Busan, Lijang Tower, Nepal, Oasis
Finals Matches:
1. Push (Map Randomly Selected)
2. Clash (Loser of Push Picks the Map
3. Flashpoint (If Needed; Loser of Clash Picks the Map)