Since 2011, the amazing gamers who attend CroomsCon and Crooms LANfest have donated over $79,800 to charity!

All of the profit that we generate through CroomsCon goes to charity. Each year we donate a lump sum to a deserving charity while leaving some cash in the account to begin working on the next year’s CroomsCon. Below you'll find our donation history along with some images from the events!

CroomsCon 2024 - $7,000

On March 15th, 2024 We held our 14th event with 318 tickets sold and over 365 in attendance! This year saw the opening of our 60 station eSports and AI computer labs that boasted the fastest computers in all of Seminole County!


CroomsCon 2023 - $7,000

In 2023 Mrs. Hebel led the CroomsCon event to donate $7,000 to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Miracle Network Hospital and raised our overall donation to a total of $72,000!


CroomsCon 2022 - $6,000

After taking a year off and presenting only on Twitch.TV, CroomsCon 2022 came back with a great showing and hosted over 350 guests in attendance. As usual, all of the profit was donated to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in our hometown of Orlando, Florida. 


CroomsCon 2021 - $2,654

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CroomsCon 2021 was hosted entirely on Twitch.TV! We hosted 4 tournaments during a live stream and donated $2,654 to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in our hometown of Orlando, Florida.  

CroomsCon 2020 - $13,100

CroomsCon 2020 hosted 531 attendees and gave out over $7,300 in prizes and trophies to the guests! We are also proud to announce that we donated $13,000 to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in our hometown of Orlando, Florida. Earlier in the year CroomsCon also donated $100 to the UNICEF organization in order to help the Bahamian victims of Hurricane Dorian. 



CroomsCon 2019 - $12,000

With our first year changing the name “Lanfest” to “CroomsCon,” the 2019 CroomsCon was one of our largest events to date with 536 attendees. We are also proud to announce that donated $12,000 to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in our hometown of Orlando, Florida. 2019 was our first year we opened the Dance Room and hosted a Nintendo Switch room and Nintendo Switch game tournaments. 





Crooms LANfest 2018 - $10,826

2018 LANfest was one of our largest LANfest events with 549 attendees. We are also proud to announce that donated $10,300 to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in our hometown of Orlando, Florida. 2018 saw the addition of the D&D room and Jackbox party game room. This was also the last year we used the name Crooms LANfest! Over the summer, Mr. Donnan started a charity Twitch stream that also raised $526 for the charity. 




Crooms LANfest 2017 - $8,200

2017 was our largest LANfest to date (at the time), with over 520 guests in attendance. We were able to donate $8,200 to the Arnold Palmer Children’s Miracle Network Hospital in our hometown of Orlando, Florida.  This was the first year we expanded to the 2nd floor for a total of 26 gaming rooms. We also re-branded the loaner program into the “Hero Program” and moved all food & drinks and Rock Band into the Café. 2017 was the first year we began reaching out to the rest of our SCPS family. Our outreach efforts were supported by the founding of the CroomsCon Ambassadors program, as well as the newly founded Social Media Manager positions. 




Crooms Lanfest 2016 - $4,000

LANfest 2016 saw the founding of the Donor program and the Rigger program (discontinued) and the triumphant return of the Cosplay Contest. 2016 was the largest Crooms LANfest up until that time, with over 310 guests in attendance! LANfest 2016 was the 3rd time we donated all of the profit to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Crooms LANfest 2016 success led to the expansion in 2017 to two floors of charity gaming goodness! 


Tabletop Room Sponsor

VR Room Sponsor

Tim Parsons

Cosplay Contest Sponsor

Gabriella Gutierrez

Crooms Lanfest 2015 - $3,500

LANfest 2015 was the largest  Crooms LANfest ever (at that time) with over 200 guests in attendance and almost $1000 in prizes given away. LANfest 2015 is the first time we added the amazing Cosplay contest and the Loaner Program (Later re-named to the Hero program). It was also the first time we sold shirts to guests and when we founded the website. This was the 2nd time our donations went to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals!


Crooms Lanfest 2014 - $2,000

LANfest 2014 was the first time LANfest donations went to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals! Part of the reason we chose that charity is because of their high program expenses percentage and their overall transparency and accountability according to You can find our account expense report of the donation below.

Crooms Lanfest 2013 - $1500

LANfest 2013 continued our donations to Child’s Play.  2013 was the first time we incorporated the Microsoft Kinect for an awesome dance off! It was also the first time we held LANfest on the first day of the holiday break in December. Unfortunately, the timing didn’t work out well for many people who wanted to attend and resulted in one of the smaller events we’ve held.

Crooms Lanfest 2012 - $1600

Crooms LANfest 2012 continued our donations to Child’s Play.  You’ll notice that all of the Child’s Play donation confirmation letters have earlier dates on them due to the fact that we used to pre-donate before the event started.

Crooms Lanfest 2011

LANfest 2011 (Internally called LANfest3) was the first year that Mr. Donnan took over LANfest from Mr. Hopkinson and converted it into a charity event that supported the Child’s Play charity.