Do you know someone who is 21 or older who would like to help our charity by donating their time as a chaperone for the CroomsCon event this year?
Any dividend chaperone who donates 7 or more hours of their time to CroomsCon can bring a student guest for free!
Chaperone Requirements
Requirement 1: The chaperone must be age 21 or older.
Requirement 2: The chaperone must be a registered dividend within the Seminole County Public School system. (Adults can register here.)
Requirement 3: We use SignUp Genius to manage chaperone times and locations. It's not up yet, but if you register here we will let you know when it is ready!
Bonus! Chaperones who sign up for 8 or more hours earn a free ticket for a student guest! Email for more information!
Chaperone Duties
Before CroomsCon
Show up a few minutes before your shift begins, hungry and ready to have a great time!
During CroomsCon
When you arrive at CroomsCon at your scheduled time you will be greeted by a lobby chaperone or student staff member. They will hand you a map and you will be directed towards the area you volunteered to chaperone.
In each area your main function is to assist the student staff with duties such as game library management, rule enforcement, and generally being the responsible adult in the room. Feel free to play games and have fun with the student guests. As a chaperone your main responsibility is the safety of everyone involved. Any serious problems should be reported to Mr. Donnan, Mrs. Hebel or student Wing Lead immediately.
Though all of the above sounds moderately serious, CroomsCon has always been a very comfortable and accepting environment with very few discipline issues. It will continue to be so, thanks to your involvement.
Chaperones are more than welcome to participate in the general gaming and enter tournaments but are not permitted to win prizes.
Chaperones should come hungry and thirsty! Chaperones are encouraged to eat, drink and enjoy all of the unlimited goodies just like the rest of the guests and staff!
When Your Time is Over
When your scheduled time is completed, please check out with a student staff member in the area you were chaperoning and the lobby chaperone in order to ensure adequate chaperone room coverage.
By volunteering as a CroomsCon chaperone you empower us to raise more money for our charitable donations and help the students of Crooms Academy learn the value of giving back to the community!
If you have any questions please feel free to email Mr. Donnan at with any questions you may have.